First Scene
In the first scene the actor will open the door of the fridge. This will establish the commercial and allow the audience to earn an idea of where the commercial is set and of what is to come. In addition, the refrigerator is located within the kitchen of the home where the commercial is being filmed. This scene will be a wide shot, as the audience will be able to see the actor fully and what it is that they are doing.
Second Scene
During the second scene, the actor will be looking for food within the refrigerator. The camera will be set inside of the refrigerator, which is inside the kitchen of the home, so that the audience can see the actor's face and emotions while scanning through the contents of the fridge. The actor will close the refrigerator doors once they are done thinking. By doing so, this signifies an end to the scene and prepares the audience for the next scene where the actor will be in a different location. This scene will be a mid-shot, so that, again, the audience is able to see the actor's face and emotions.
Third Scene
The third scene will include the actor pondering what to eat while at the table within the dining room. The actor will say a line that shows that they are thinking about what they should eat. The scene will be a wide shot.
Fourth Scene
The fourth scene will be of cereal in a bowl. The bowl will be moving towards the subject, however the actor will not be shown throughout the scene. In order to make the bowl look as though it is moving by itself, the technique of stop-motion will be used. In addition, the scene will be a mid-shot and filmed in the same location as the previous scene, the dining room.
Fifth Scene
During the fifth scene the cereal box that is starring in the commercial, Honey O's, a spoon, and the cereal bowl that had been moving toward the actor in the previous scene will be on the table in front of the actor. The camera will tilt moderately fast from the objects laid out on the dining room table to the actor. The actor will then look at the cereal and spoon in amazement, as they were not in the previous scene, before settling on the cereal bowl. The actor will then say a line about how the cereal is their favorite and state some of the healthy nutrition facts within the cereal. By doing so, the audience is given motivation to buy this cereal. This scene will be a wide shot and will, again, be filmed in the dining room.
Sixth Scene
The sixth scene will be of the actor eating the cereal. The actor will be doing so enthusiastically, but not in a way that seems unnatural. This scene will be a wide shot as well and filmed in the dining room.
Seventh Scene
The last scene will be of the actor giving a thumbs up to the camera. There will also be a voiceover in the background giving a catchphrase for the cereal that will stick in the audience's head while they are at the grocery store. This scene will be a wide shot and filmed in the dining room of the house.
*There will be music playing in the background of the commercial as well.